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Ecma workshop on Dart


Geneva, 6 September 2013

Dart is a new open source programming language and platform for developing web apps. It is about to become an open standard.


In April 2013 Dart was proposed for standardization by Ecma International. In June 2013 at the Ecma General Assembly a successful presentation on Dart was held, a draft scope of work was proposed and the topic discussed.

The GA has then decided to progress with the project by holding a workshop on Dart before the October Ecma CC meeting. Hence, we are hosting this first Ecma workshop on Dart. In the Workshop we’ll give a short introduction to Dart,  set the direction for the possible future Dart work in Ecma and discuss potential new features in Dart.

The list of participants includes Gilad Bracha – Dart’s  “Chief Specification Officer” so come and help drive the evolution of the Dart language. Both members and non-members are invited to participate in this very first Ecma workshop on Dart on September 20, 2013 in Boston.


Google Cambridge
4 Cambridge Center, Floor 3
Cambridge, Boston,MA 02142, USA
Meeting room: Adams Square


9.00 AM – 5.00 PM on September 20, 2013


1. Brief introduction to Dart.
2. Finalize “scope and programme of work” for submission to Ecma
(for review at the upcoming CC and GA Ecma meetings in Oct and Dec 2013, respectively),
3. Advance the current draft specification of Dart and
4. Work on future features of the language, such as, extending the utility/functionality of first class types, Enums, library composition and modularity extensions as well as language support for asynchrony.


9.00 AM    Welcome, Dart – Introduction and background.
Agree on “scope and programme of work” for review.
Review and advance current draft specification
1.00 PM    Lunch
2.00 PM    Continue work on draft specification if needed
3.00 PM    Dart 2.0: Evolve ideas for next release
4.45 PM    Summary
5.00 PM    Workshop ends
6.00 PM    Dinner


Product Manager Anders Sandholm – – Google
Secretary General Dr. Istvan Sebestyen – – Ecma International
Please contact Anders for any questions or suggestions you may have for this workshop.